Congratulations! You Have Entered A New Market With Your Airline, But Ground Handling & Security Services Suck!

Diversity in air service brings in more economic growth and jobs. It helps politicians gleam with delight as they brag about their foresight in setting up the right environment to attract more investment to their city of the country. I have launched new airlines, ranging from low-cost to five-star carriers. These new services were in a strong-hold hub where the most significant impact would be felt. It’s a fabulous achievement, especially when you believe in the value of competition providing space so that more varied people of different income levels can travel. 

From the airline’s perspective, the network planners are proud and nervous that they have started a new market, and the hope is that all the business cases they proclaimed to their bosses pan out. Hopefully, the meager air service incentive program the airport provides helps them as they get known in the market. Weeks after the inaugural flight’s water cannon salute, ribbon cutting, speeches, and gate party, comes the time to deal with a ground handler unfamiliar with the airline’s culture and too internally dysfunctional to meet its key performance indicators (KPIs). 

Passenger Complaints Have Peaked, And The Airline’s Station Manager Is Blamed When It’s Not Their Fault!

With only one or two flights a day, it’s cost-effective to contract ground staff. Unfortunately, they leave passengers stranded, often allowing wheelchair passengers to miss their flights (this happened to a friend of mine’s mother in an airport and with an airline, I shall not name). The staff is unfriendly to passengers, the company has modern technology, luggage screening takes forever, and the check-in process is from the dark ages. The slow cleaning service makes turnaround time a nail-biter for the station manager. 

You need a trustworthy security company that is fully licensed and insured with authorization from the feds to supplement their work geared towards mitigating terrorist threats, a real danger in today’s world. You do not want holes in areas like crew escort, bag-room guarding, aircraft access control, and TSA cabin search and clean. Worse, you may be a foreign airline happy to access the US market, but you keep getting communication from federal agencies (CBP/TSA/FAA) on compliance issues. 

The Fines Can Be Massive When A New Carrier Can’t Meet Compliance Requirements.

I love to travel so much that I have a separate blog to showcase travel and food. I want to see more competition in markets and for new carriers to be successful because it promotes tolerance as more of us see the world. I also want you to avoid those nasty fines from the federal agencies because I do not want them to translate into higher airfares for my fellow travelers and me. Selfish much!?

Contact me if you have entered a new market in the USA, and your ground handler or security services company sucks – is not meeting your requirements. I know some five-star service providers that may be ready to partner with you according to your company’s needs and KPIs. 

If you are a struggling ground handler (and you can admit that you need help) and want to improve your service level to global standards, cut costs, bolster revenues, and make your client airline glow with pride to partner with you, give me a call. My partners and I can help you. 

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